Tuddenham St Mary Village Hall

Health & Safety Policy




To support the trustees in taking all reasonable measures to ensure that the hall, any equipment provided there and activities undertaken are safe for the purposes of all the users.


This policy relates to the village hall building and all activities taking place within the hall, and the adjoining outside area that is the responsibility of the hall trustees. The individuals falling within the scope of this policy include trustees, volunteers, hirers, users, employees and where appropriate contractors or individuals providing services to the village hall.

Trustee Responsibilities

Tuddenham St Mary Village Hall Trust recognise their duty in ensuring that measures are in place to protect all users as identified in the scope of this policy from risks to their health and safety as far as is reasonably practicable. The Trustees will achieve this through the formation of policy and risk assessment procedures. These include:

  • Completion of a Health & Safety Executive “Health & Safety Checklist For Village and Community Halls” on a quarterly basis.
  • Ensure that appropriate Employers and Public Liability insurance cover is in place.
  • Provide a process for Users to report any relevant incident, or suggestions for improvements and act upon those reports.
  • Provide a contact number for use in the event of emergencies (the caretaker or nominated trustee).
  • Advise all Users of their responsibilities (see below)

Volunteers, Staff, Hirer and User Responsibilities

Every village hall user has a responsibility to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and any other person who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Users should co-operate with Tuddenham St Mary Village Hall Trust in efforts to comply with statutory requirements and the health and safety policy, in particular all users should:

  • Specify the activities that will be undertaken during the period of hire on the Booking Form
  • Identify and assess risks to which people in their activities are likely to be exposed
  • Introduce specific measures as appropriate to minimise these risks
  • Conduct all activities in a safe and considerate manner
  • Use any equipment provided according to instructions
  • Report and record incidents on the premises that have led, or may lead, to injury or damage
  • Make suggestions to improve health and safety for users of the hall

General Arrangements


The first aid box is located in the kitchen area.

The caretaker or nominated trustee is responsible for maintaining the first aid box and for checking the incident/suggestion book reporting all entries to the Trustees. A notice will be in place in the hall asking users to contact the caretaker or a nominated trustee in their absence in the event of urgent health and safety issues which require immediate attention.

To download a copy of the Health & Safety Policy click here